d'Olyfboom Chimichurri Sauce

" This sauce is used extensively in Argentina with their famous beef steaks, although it's also brilliant with chicken.It has the consistency of runny pesto and it's best to experiment a bit until it's perfect for your palate.The acidity and rich herby flavours make it totally addictive." Mariza de Jager, d'Olyfboom Chef.


A few beef steaks (Rump or Rib-eye works best), grilled on the stove, in the oven or over hot coals.


¾ cup parsley

¼ cup fresh coriander

¼ cup mint

¼ cup chopped onion

2 Tbls vinegar

1 Tbls oreganum

1 tsp olive oil

½ tsp salt

½ tsp freshly ground black pepper

¼ cup peppadews

3 garlic cloves


Combine parsley & remaning ingredients in a food processor and process to taste.(pesto consistency) Season and serve with the steak or chicken.